When you setup the Content Collector DB2 Textsearch feature you might experience the following erorr while the DB2TS service is…
IBM Content Manager EE – Configuration Manager ignore prerequirements
Is some cases you need to install/configure CM EE with some “unsuuported” components maybe in case of system migrations. To…
IBM Content Collector – ICCIndexer version missmatch with FP12
When you update your ICCIndexer to the latest FP12 you might receive the following error during the indexing process. A…
IBM Content Manager – DB2TS error IQQD0040E
When you move your content manager server databases to a new host or when you create a new DB2TS instance…
IBM Content Manager EE – CTE0253 during indexing
If you move items from one itemtype into another over the CM API and you need to index them with…
IBM Content Collector – Moving from NSE to DB2TS
This guide describes how you can move your existing ICC itemtypes with NSE indexes to DB2TS based indexes. The guide…
IBM Content Manager EE – Version 8.7 Upgrade fails with RC=25
In some cases it might be that the upgrade from CM 8.6.x to CM 8.7 GA fails with RC=25 REG_UPDATE_ERR.…
IBM Content Manager EE – Unable to retrieve document
If you receive an ICM9710 error while retrieving documents from Content Manager Resource Manager application you might have a mismatch…

IBM Content Manager – Move retention protected content from SSAM/Spectrum Protect to another (WORM) storage system
A lot of customers are using Content Manager 8 in connection with IBM Spectrum Protect, former IBM TSM SSAM, or…

IBM Content Manager – Configure Kofax Export Connector for IBM Content Manager 8.6 Java API
In Content Manager 8.6 IBM removed the C++ API that was used in the past by the Kofax Export Connector…