When you move your content manager server databases to a new host or when you create a new DB2TS instance you might receive the error IQQD0040E when you try to update/drop/alter the DB2TS indexes. This is because the token of the DB2TS instance have changed. You need to update the key in the Library Server database with the following procedure.
You need to find out the new token of the DB2TS instance by entering the configTool printToken -configPath /home/db2inst1/sqllib/db2tss/config

The token for the DB2TS instance in my case is “v9VYtlo=”.
Now you need to update the token in the library server database. So connect to “icmnlsdb” and check the existing token before the update.

I already updated the wrong key!
Stop DB2TS before updating the token with “db2ts stop for text” command.
Now run “db2 “update sysibmts.tsservers set (token) =(‘v9VYtlo=’)”

Now start DB2TS with “db2ts start for text” again.
Flush the DB2TS package cache by running “db2 flush package cache dynamic”.

Now the library server can connect to the DB2TS instance again.