In this guide I will explain the steps to enable the IBM Content Assistant for your FileNet Content Manager within your IBM Cloud Pak for Business Automation environment. The deployment might be similar to classic onprem installations of Content Engine and Content Navigator.

At first I need to say that this is currently a tech preview and you need to request the resource by IBM via this link.

If you have received you software package and the authentication key you can go ahead with the deployment.

Preparing the Content Platform Engine environment

In the software package we have the CE GenAI handler that needs to be deployed into “cpe-cfg-stor” volume of the

icp4adeploy-cpe-deploy pod.

The mount path of the volume should be /opt/ibm/wlp/usr/servers/defaultServer/configDropins/overrides. Make sure that the cpe-cfg-stor is a PVC.

Connect to the pod and create a folder called “external-jars” under the “overrides” folder and copy the genai-ce-1.0.0-3-9-20240903.200301-1.jar into the this folder.

If you have copied the JAR into the external-jars folder you need to set the JVM parameters in the custom resource YAML of the ibm-content-operator deployment.

You can access this CR via OCP console under Installed Operators >> ibm-content-operator.v24.1.0 >> Content details

Search for the section “ecm_configuration” and add the following lines:

jvm_customize_options: 'DELIM=;-Dcom.filenet.engine.cmcl.ndps=com.filenet.genai,!;'

Now restart the content operator pod.

Installing the IBM Content Assistant Extensions Add-Ons

The next step is to add the GenAI object store addons into you FileNet domain. Therefore logon to your ACCE.

In the FileNet Domain go under the section “global configuration” >> “Data Design” >> “Add-ons” and create a new add-on.

In the software package you will find the GenAIAddOn.xml. Use this as the descriptor for the new add-on.

As the import data set select the GenAIAddOn.xml and as the post-import script the GenAIPostImportScript.js

Now you have added the 5.5.8 Gen AI Extensions. Now install this add-on to the object store that you want to use with the Content Assistant.

Enabling Persistent Text Extraction in FileNet 5.6.0

Adding the Persistent Text Extract Extensions add-on to your FileNet domain in the same way as you did it before for the Gen AI Extensions.

As descriptor use the PersistentExtractsAddOn.xml and as import data set the PersistentExtractsAddOn.xml. Leave the rest blank.

Click on finish and now you imported the 5.5.8 Persistent Text Extract Extensions. Now go ahead and install this to the object store where you want to use the Content Assistant.

Configure document classes that will be enabled for text extraction

At first you will need to enabled the “Persistent Text Extracts enabled” option on the document classes that you will use with the Content Assistant.

Now you will need to create some event actions. Create the required actions as follows.

Gen AI Summary Request Event Action

Java class: com.filenet.genai.sweep.AI1EventHandler

Gen AI Vector Indexing Request Event Action

Java class: com.filenet.genai.sweep.AI2EventHandler


Create a subscription for the classes that should use the GenAI feature as follows:

Document-TextExtraction Subscription



Registering your Object Store via the Content Assistant Configuration object

Now you need to enter your preview key that you received by IBM in the GenAI configuration object. Therefore go in the object store where you want to use the GenAI feature and open the search function.

Select the class “Gen AI Configuration” and click on search. Now you will find the configuration object.

Open it and enter the key in the “Gen AI Access Code” property value field.

Be aware that the key is now linked with your GCDs GUID and could only be used in this FileNet domain.

Registering the IBM Content Assistant Plug-in

The software package also provides a plugin for Content Navigator to use the Content Assistant. Copy the genaiPlugin-1.0.0-3-6.jar into the icp4adeploy-navigator-deploy pod in the “icn-pluginstore” PVC. The mountpoint for the volume should be /opt/ibm/plugins.

Now open the Content Navigator admin desktop and register the plugin.

Add the plugin to the desktop where you want to use the Content Assitant. When you now logon to the desktop in the right lower corner the Content Assitant feature will appear. And you start the conversation about you FileNet content with the assitant.