When you update your Content Collecotor server installation it might be that it fails. In the log specific log file…
IBM Content Collector – Creation of P8 document class fails with E_CONSTRAINT_VIOLATED
If you want to create the required document classes for the IBM Content Collector datamodel in your FileNet object store…
IBM Content Collector – WebApplication error java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/ibm/misc/BASE64Decoder
When starting the ICC WebApplication on your system you will notice the no logs are created under the webapplication log…

IBM Content Collector – increase archiving performance of the mail connector
If you have a huge amount of mails to archive with your Content Collector instance you might experience a slow…

Content Collector WebApp does not work after Update from CM8.5 to CM8.6 api
Content Collector WebApp does not work after Update from CM8.5 to CM8.6 api